A Terrifying Reality

Terrified? Not sure I’m there yet. Maybe it’s worse than just politics. Who knows, but that was a line from Newt Gingrich in an interview with Sean Hannity today.

The cover-up side of all this is what is the big deal. In my opinion.

Fit for office?

Is this question even worth asking now?

The real question is: “What did they know and when did they know it?”

That’s what everyone is asking. And thinking about Watergate and the cover-up deal.

The real question I asked was from the famous quote by Tennessee GOP Sen. Howard Baker Jr. during the Senate committee that investigated Watergate. The actual quote was ‘What Did the President Know, and When Did He Know It?’ which anyone who was around way back then or saw “All the President’s Men” would know.

I don’t see a happy ending here. “Happy endings are just stories that haven’t finished yet.” — Angelina Jolie in Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Awesome line!

We were lied to. Yep, it’s the cover-up that always makes things worse. The difference between the original Watergate story and this one is who was lying. The list of those who weren’t is so much shorter.

June 27, 2024

The Biden and Trump debate happened on this date. Does anyone know what else happened on that date?

A quick web search showed a few things. The coolest, in my opinion, was it is National Sunglasses Day. Great!

Does anyone care?


The news is wtf happened to Joe and the words used to describe his performance – no need to list them here. The common question on everyone’s mind is; “how can we replace Joe Biden?”.

The ‘who’ part came later.